WHAT IS IT? A messaging app designed around secrecy. Telegram allows users to send messages, photos, videos and documents to contacts, as well as creating group chats of up to 200,000 people. WHAT WE SAY: Avoid.
Concerns/Dangers around the platform: Content Moderation: Less strict moderation may expose users to harmful or illegal content. Privacy Settings: Default settings might reveal personal information if not adjusted. Stranger Interactions: Be cautious with unverified contacts to avoid scams and inappropriate content. Content Suitability: Telegram has a variety of content, some of which may not be appropriate for younger users. Group Risks: Large groups and channels can spread misinformation or engage in harmful activities. Exploitation Risks: Cybercriminals may use Telegram to exploit users. Parental Controls: Limited parental control options make it difficult for parents to monitor their children's |
FURTHER SUPPORT: For parents/ carers If you're worried about your child or need support call NSPCC helpline on 0808 800 5000. If you discover criminal content when online then report it directly to the police or the Internet Watch Foundation. If you're worried about online grooming or sexual behaviour online then report directly to the police or contact CEOP. For Children & young people if they're worried or want to talk, encourage them to contact Childline Online or call 0800 1111. Check out our Resource Centre for further information and useful online safety tips. |